Info Mapping-II

We were expected to define the cores in each image that I had studied in Info Mapping-I and relate the cores with each other though overlapping the three images accordingly. I defined one core in each map. Than I overlapped  three cores, because I wanted a core which is more dominant and strong.

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Info Mapping-I

We were given 3 maps which in Ankara and 4 keywords which help to study and observe the given areas. Map the differentiations in spatial experiences within each frame. And we chose a couple keywords given and used them in a certain relation to conduct our study.

To represent our study, we used digital images of the areas and to define zones in each image in a way to represent the changes in the spatial experience.We used one single color and its opacity levels of that color to map the differentiations that the zones represent.


This semester, we started to read given the book Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino (1972). This book helped to us define and interpret an instance of spatial experiences. Then we was asked to interpret the instance that we have derived from the text, and study its spatial conditions though intersecting planar elements. We produced a 3D construct by using min.8 and max. 10 rectangular elements.

First I have produced instances;

After than, we revised this assigment with some key words and we produced our initial instance. We were expected to an instance with a hashtag and keywords which helped to us. My hashtag was centrality and my keywords were centrality, dense/sparse and dominancy. According to these keywords, I produced this.

Sena Kocakaya (2)