Hi every one!

Last week, in ART100 course, we visited an exhibition. The paintings are about abstraction, painters of the exhibition are Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu and Abidin Elderoğlu who are piooners in Turkey about abstraction painting. Usage of colors and forms are very effectual. If you want to visit the exhibition to see magnificient harmony of colors and very impressive usage of form, you can go to the AnkaSanat in Ankara.

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Hello there!

The problem at this stage to design the element of architecture, staircase & ramp. This element both shapes and is shaped by the presence of two different spatial environments, namely hard landscape and soft landscape. Then, in designing the element  we were required to consider the conditions; in between the hard landscape and soft landscape, on the hard landscape, on the soft landscape.

In this assignment, I produced soft landscape(textured one) which has level difference is less and hard landscape which has level difference is more. So the element of architecture, staircase shaped and were shaped by landscapes. On the hard landscape, the traits of staircase smaller than on the soft landscapes’ one. So the experience is changing while going up or down.

THE BIRTH OF THE NATIONS : Europe After Charles

This semester, in ARCH 221 course, we started to examine ‘A History of Architecture’ written by Spiro Kostof. Every body chose a chapter from the book, then we will research our chapter. My chapter is the birth of the nations, Europe after Charles. It involves Carolingian architecture, the period of Otto, and Romanesque. In fact, the chapter is also about the Byzantine Empire and Andalusia. Because, that era was affected by different cultures like Byzantine, islam. Now, first of all, I want to explain Carolingian architecture.

The passage from Carolingian to Romanesque was neither smooth nor uninterrupted. So we can say that Carolingian style which existed before the Romanesque, caused to appear Romanesque style. In Carolingian period, constructions of church and castle were more important. Distinctive features of Carolingian architecture were apses, central plan. Besides that, we compared to previous era, Carolingian was more unaesthetic, because of some political and social situations. In that period, basilica was used as a architectural form again.

St. Michael's the church of Bishop Bernward

St. Michael’s the church of Bishop Bernward

The passage of Otto, compare to Carolingian era, was more developed, especially analysis of church plan more obvious. In the passage of Otto, more impressive cathedrals were constructed. Gernrode is one of more primitive and more impressive cathedrals. It has a rhythm. Its windows, walls and columns are coherent. We can analyze same situation in St. Michael’s the church of Bishop Bernward in Hildesheim(Germany). It has a composition with apses. It have two terminal apses and two mating transepts.

Romanesque style was related to religion. We already know that cathedrals and churches were examined in this era. Especially in Germany, Spain, and Italy, towards in the end in France and England, we can see effects of Romanesque period. And also, it was affected by some cultures like Byzantine, islam. In fact, these cultures were very different from each other.  Umayyads settled in the Spain and their capital is Cordoba. Construction of the mosques in that period affected the types of churches and cathedrals. Especially in romanesque churches, we can see very coloured things which have island and Byzantine. In Romanesque era, huge walls, monumental columns have been used.


The assignment was given about exploring the spatial experiences of elements of architecture such as window, corridor, door, wall, stair&ramp. We were expected to make groups and every group choose one of these elements. Poster design for presentation, sketches, and models were wanted to us in this assignment. Our group analyzed the staircase and ramp. We focused on functions of staircase and ramp, and while considering function of staircase and ramp, we studied on level differences.