PRELIMINARY JURY-2 / Patterned Episodes in Between

Last week, we had pre-jury in ARCH201 course. This jury was the last pre-jury of this semester.

In this project, I focused on scale differences between squatter houses and residential buildings. Because of their scale, residential buildings are like a wall. They define a border. However, squatter houses have more permeable. So, I created a corridor which is permeable and impermeable in some cases.

Here are some photos of my model and drawings.


Dikmen Valley is given to us to comprehend the site conditions and the context which is second year final project in architectural studio. As a beginning of the project, indicating functions, drawing site sections and marking landmarks and points of vistas were assigned us. And untouched area of Dikmen Valley was defined we are going to study. There are surrounding with residential apartment blocks and squatter houses.


Hello there!

The problem at this stage to design the element of architecture, staircase & ramp. This element both shapes and is shaped by the presence of two different spatial environments, namely hard landscape and soft landscape. Then, in designing the element  we were required to consider the conditions; in between the hard landscape and soft landscape, on the hard landscape, on the soft landscape.

In this assignment, I produced soft landscape(textured one) which has level difference is less and hard landscape which has level difference is more. So the element of architecture, staircase shaped and were shaped by landscapes. On the hard landscape, the traits of staircase smaller than on the soft landscapes’ one. So the experience is changing while going up or down.


The assignment was given about exploring the spatial experiences of elements of architecture such as window, corridor, door, wall, stair&ramp. We were expected to make groups and every group choose one of these elements. Poster design for presentation, sketches, and models were wanted to us in this assignment. Our group analyzed the staircase and ramp. We focused on functions of staircase and ramp, and while considering function of staircase and ramp, we studied on level differences.